Thursday, September 30, 2010

34 years and it finally happens.

So yesterday turned out to be a little bit painful. Just a where you could fracture or break a toe...really! So I leave the neighbors house and whamo...ended up not watching where I was walking and ran right into that hurt! Thank god that I have a high tolerance for pain.

So when your toe and part of your foot swells and turns black and blue get it checked out...ignore your husband and believe that you did do some type of damage. So the next day and a few x-rays later...2 fractures in the little toe and on top of that I was told to keep it immobilized...yah right...I have two kids.

Hopefully it heals ok and sooner than later. That's all for the painful new...only good news from now on! In my 34 years of life I've never broken or fractured anything...I guess with age comes blinders :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Strep :(

It's a good thing we had such a great time apple picking because Lauren and Marek ended up sick. Marek's wasn't so bad...Lauren on the other hand ended up with Strep. Crazy...I also think it dad's fault...sorry but you passed the yuckies.

So Lauren got two shots and a didn't know there was such a thing as FEVER of the best inventions ever when you have a kid that has a fever and is pucking all the time. I was never told such a wonderful thing existed...pass it on, it's awesome! She felt well enough to eat a little and keep it down!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Parlee Farm's Family Outing!

I love this place! We had the best time...This is one of our new family traditions...I absolutely loved today!
We went and picked some of the best and biggest apples ever...not to mention the hay ride there...the kids had so much fun, Lauren was even filling other people's bags for sweet is she!

We got apple cider...yum! And the donuts...not to bad....warm and tasty! We then feed the goats, one licked Lo'd hand...she made that funny face and looked away like...ew! While we visited the goats Marek when running on the hay maze...and then to tractor school...he was passing the other kids...Nascar here we come!

I really just wanted to share because I absolutely loved today...the photos and memories we make are the best things ever...make some yourself and love them!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My proud moment!

So today I had coffee with the ladies, always love that. We all have kids in school and a lot of them have class together. I was mentioning that we were wondering how Marek was doing because he never mentions's like we have to pry it out of him how he is doing and if he likes school.

One of our neighbors who's son is in Marek's class said that he was a sweet boy and continued to tell us what happened in class one morning...I guess one of his classmates was being picked on by another and was feeling a little uncomfortable in class that morning...Marek's says to him "hey buddy, come over and sit by me", such a good boy! I am so proud of him for being such a nice boy...maybe the things we try and teach them are really paying off. I pray that we raise good children and hope they treat everyone with respect and kindness...and if he doesn't then were gonna have a problem.

I love my sweet little man!

Monday, September 13, 2010

One fish, two fish...

So I'm sitting here looking at Marek's fish (AKA my fish) wondering how I have so many of them and how they are divided up between 3 different containers.

I thinks it's because my husband keeps thinking we need more fish, prime example is the boy betta needs a girl betta. This is not true...they really don't like each other they just mate...five beats up everything. Yes, the boy fish's name is 5 and the girl is 6 for all you Blossom fans out there. Did not know all this until today.

Now there is the 10 gallon tank with fish in it (none of these fish have names), the 3 gallon tank in Marek's room and the big glass vase with 6 in it. Consolidation time!

So you can put girl betta's in with other fish, and those happen to be the ones we have. Just to let you know...boy betta's are bad, our bully has earned his own tank. I guess he just didn't like sharing. He even harassed a poor little the way snail aren't so slow.

So as the story goes, I will let you know how 6 interacts with the rest of the group. And betta's can live a long time...double digits! Gotta love fish!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Welcome to Friday Morning!

So Lauren decides to wake up at 6:30...I just got out of the shower...good timing I say. So I get her dressed and down stairs for breakfast...all is good! Next is to wake up Marek.

So Scott goes up stairs and does the initial wake up...turns on the light and gives kisses good morning before he leaves for work...this morning Marek proceeds to say to his father "dad, you need to take me to school today because mom gets into accidents on the way to school" mind you that it was not my fault and it was only once since he's been alive...Thanks for the vote of confidence Marek :) How's about all that by 7am?

Needless to say there were no accidents on the way to school this morning, yeah!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What a Day!

So I wake up, shower, get the kids up, feed them, pack them up and head out to drop Marek off at school. Yeah! My morning is going get!

While sitting at the light I get hit from behind, first thing out my mouth is "are you kidding me?" Mind you that I have the kids with me and I'm on my way to school to drop off Marek. We (the person that hit me and I) pull off to the side of the road. Now we are holding up traffic on an already busy road.
One of our friends...the great person that she is...happens to drive by and stops to see if we're ok...I love you for that...THANK YOU!

So I quickly call Scott and say "I got hit from behind, we're fine, can you come get Marek and take him to school. A few minutes later Scott shows up and takes Marek to school. Then I get things settled and have to run to Lauren's appt.

My thought for the day is pay attention to the STOPPED cars in front of you so you don't end up in their bumper. Thanks van guy...can you tell I really wanted to take my car into the garage for who knows how long :( Nothing major...might need a new bumper.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First day of Pre-K!

How exciting...I can't believe Marek is old enough to start Pre-K...really where does the time go? Scott took the morning off and we all went to school...mommy got to walk Marek inside...the kisses, goodbyes and now he's on his own.

He did good today said his teacher...I was so proud! But he didn't eat his snack...must have been to busy, I don't even think he peed. He survived and ate his snack on the way home.

Scott bet me that I would cry...I didn't :) It was weird leaving him behind though. He is such a great, sweet little man!

Monday, September 6, 2010

The weekend before school!

What a nice long weekend before school starts...beautiful weather! So my husband ends up sick with a fever, it lasted about 2 days...not so bad but his glands in his neck are still a little swollen.

We went to the neighbor's Labor Day party...I got to meet a couple new people...very nice. Thanks Jess, we had fun! Sorry you were sick honey.

So we decided to go shopping up in Kittery Maine...beautiful day to shop...not to hot. Got the few things we needed for the kids...I think Marek might now be ready for school(fingers crossed). Ate at Bob's Clam Hut...awesome! Traffic was long but kept moving...not to bad thank goodness.

What a great good-bye to summer...woohoo! Fall and Winter here we come!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Bad...

So we bought a new, bigger fish tank yesterday...transfered the fish over and one I bad. It turned out to be a really nice tank with a few new fish...sorry little zebra fish but at least the bigger zebra fish can no longer pick on you :)
Go Penn State! Even though I didn't watch the game...they won...hope for good things to come.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Meet and Greet for Marek today

Today we had meet and greet for Marek, what fun! He had such a great time, I'm not so worried anymore. The only issue that might arise is the playground out the window. It might take him a while before he even notices it, I hope. They have so many neat things, from a sand box to computers...I can't wait to see what all he tells me he did that day.
There are a few kids(families) we know which is nice and a few we don't which is nice too. I am so excited for him! I'm just so excited!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nap time...

So I never really thought that nap time was such a big deal until today. I am so use to Lauren taking naps that when she skipped them for the past few days, I almost went crazy(kinda). She is back to napping today and hopefully for many additional years. As for Marek, he hasn't napped for years...don't know what happened there because he's my kid...he does sleep 12 hr nights though. School might make the difference ;)

So tomorrow is our meet and greet at school, can't wait...yet I am excited and nervous all in one. Next Tuesday starts preschool...that's a big step for Marek and I. I say that I'll only worry what happens and how he likes it but I know I'll be crazy all day...he's my baby. I understand that it will be easier for him than me. I'll keep you updated.